Leadership Retreat
Anyone who wants to volunteer to help or be a counselor during our June camps is encouraged to attend Leadership Retreat. This retreat is required for ALL junior staff. You are invited to Mountaintop Retreat for an encouraging weekend revolving around being a strong Christian example and a leader at camp and in your faith community. Located in the beautiful Colorado mountains, Mountaintop Retreat is a wonderful location to get away and spend time with the Lord, make new friends, and grow your skills in Christian leadership! There will be great food, fun activities, and engaging worship. We will learn the songs, Bible passages, and theme for the Junior High and Junior Camps. Come join us!
When- June 10th-11th, 2023
Check in- Saturday at Noon
Check out- Sunday at 7pm
Where- Mountaintop Retreat
339 Bible Camp Road
Montrose, CO 81403
Cost- This retreat is free to anyone helping at Junior High, Junior, or Kids and Family Camps.
Contact Mountaintop Retreat for more details
Phone: 970-596-0505
Email: camp@mountaintopretreat.com